Children’s Day

We are all and were children, awakened petals, gusts of sun that create freckles on our cheeks. And if you’re here, I know you’ve gone through hundreds of tragedies, that life turned its back on you, that nothing is worth it. But look closely around you, at the kittens and puppies that didn’t survive without the help of a mother, of a strange hand, of a smile that helped them get ahead.

I know it’s hard, I know life has been more than difficult. But I swear that at some point there was someone who at least smiled when they saw you born: a doctor who thought you were a miracle, a nurse who joked because you cried more than usual, a person unrelated to your life who at some point passed you by only to later comment on how special you were. So cry, complain, curse all horizons, but remember that someone was happy to see you.

We were all children. Some of us walk lives of tragedy, others do more or less well, and there are people with more wounds than their fine clothes tell. Still, remember, please I beg you for love, no matter how painful your past, your present, your adult life, your life as an older adult, your life of dreams that seem broken in failures and resignations, remember that someone considered you a bunch of miracles even if it wasn’t the person or people you expected. Happy day, eternal girl who cries alone under the moon.

 no importa que tan doloroso haya sido tu pasado, tu presente, tu vida de adulto, de adulto mayor, tu vida de sueños que parecen rotos en fracasos y resignaciones, recuerda que alguién te consideró un racimo de milagros aunque no haya sido la persona o la personas que esperabas: feliz día niña eterna que llora sóla debajo de la luna.  . Imagen 4 de 4


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